In Memory of








Condolence From: Geoff Newton
Condolence: I only returned recently from Afghanistan and was saddened to hear of Dr. Moody's passing. She was one of the most compassionate and caring people I have met and made me feel alright about my decisions for my pets when in the span of a year I had to put down all three because of cancers. She told me that I was giving them the greatest gift; one without suffering. I hope that she is no longer suffering as well. She is loved and remembered.
Tuesday August 14, 2012
Condolence From: Sandy Whiting
Condolence: We have lost a wonderful human being. Dr. Moody was compassionate and helped us with the passing of our wonderful Maddy and Osha. She helped us through so many illnesses and difficult times. My heartfelt condolences go out her family.
Friday May 18, 2012
Condolence From: Kathleen Ruby
Condolence: Bob and family, I was so saddened to learn of Becky's death. The two of you were such amazing people and I loved knowing both of you as students. Watching Becky through school, I knew she'd bring a great deal of passion and love to her patients and her clients, and as I read the other tributes, I see that this was indeed the case. Her life was cut off much too soon. Please accept my sincere condolences, and prayers. I know the entire WSU college community will feel this loss deeply and will wish love and prayers to the family. Dr. Kathy Ruby
Tuesday May 08, 2012
Condolence From: Razz
Condolence: My name is Razz and I am a Pomeranian. When I was hurt and could barely walk, I saw Dr. Becky. She did laser therapy on me and not only could I walk but I ran. Recently, I hurt my front leg because my bones are so small. Dr. Becky bandaged me up and put a purple heart on my wrap and said "You earned this" so a few days later, I found out Dr. Becky passed away. All of us are so sad and not a day goes by that we do not think about her. When we went to her memorial, I gave her a card thanking her for saving me. Inside the card, I placed the purple heart she gave me and wrote "You earned this". We loved Becky. She was not only the best vet we have ever known but she was a great woman and friend. We know that you were met at the Rainbow Bridge by all of the people and animals you have touched. We miss and love you always Becky. Our deepest condolences to Robert, her mother, father, brother, sister and the entire family. Our last memory of her was at her home when we were driving away, we waved goodbye and Becky slowly walked over to where her horse was. We never thought we would never see her again. She not only loved pets but she cared about the people too. <3
Sunday May 06, 2012
Condolence From: Jan and Gus Parlier
Condolence: We were so saddened to read of Dr. Moody's death. She was always so loving and caring with our animals, and helped to save one of our dogs from an accidental poisoning. Our heartfelt sympathy to all her family.
Sunday May 06, 2012
Condolence From: John and Chelle Brunke
Condolence: Our prayer are with her family. She was a very good, diligent, compassionate vet. She helped us ease passing for our Jake, a toy poodle, when at age 16 he presented grand mal seizures and a possible brain tumor. She also eased us "into" parenting of a new labradoodle puppy, Boatswain, who is now the darling of our lives.
Thursday May 03, 2012
Condolence From: Aristana Firethorne
Condolence: My heartfelt condolences to Dr. Moody's family and loved ones. She was a kind, gentle, intelligent and thoughtful soul, who I appreciated very much as a vet. My greyhounds and I will miss her. Blessings and peace to her dear Spirit.
Thursday May 03, 2012
Condolence From: Dave and Carol Watts
Condolence: We would like to offer our deepest condolences to Robert, Becky's family, and extended family (both the two- and four-legged members). We were shocked and deeply saddened when we saw the notice of Becky's passing found on Drew's list. That's how we found Becky and Robert when we needed an emergency vet care to see Mojo, our 12-year-old Australian Shepard suffering from a chronic respiratory problem that turned acute Sunday night this last President's day weekend. Both of them were there to comfort us at 4AM when it became clear that Mojo wasn't going to make it and the time had come to end his suffering. While the circumstances were sad we were relieved to have found loving, caring, and competent emergency vet care minutes from our home. It was clear we had found rare gem in our backyard. Becky's passing is a great loss to her family and her community. If there is a heaven, I know that she is surrounded by those she loved and cared for who went before her.
Wednesday May 02, 2012
Condolence From: Diana L. Putney and Isabelle Tucker
Condolence: Dr Becky's care of my dog through the years was much appreciated. Her enthusiasm, energy and expertise made each veterinary visit a positive experience for both of us. Dr. Becky knew a great deal about Isabelle's breed - Queensland Australian Cattle Dog. That insight increased my "Blue Heeler" understanding and training. Both Isabelle and I will always miss Br. Becky, she was and will remain an important part of our lives.
Wednesday May 02, 2012
Condolence From: Hutchinson Family
Condolence: We are so sorry to learn of Becky's passing. She took such wonderful care of our beloved Llewllin setter, Holly. Becky loved and understood the breed and Holly loved her in return. I am certain that Holly was there to greet her and will continue to watch over her. Our thoughts are with your family.
Wednesday May 02, 2012
Condolence From: Caporgno Family
Condolence: I'm so sorry for your loss Dr. Moody. I never got to meet Becky in person but she was a comfort to me on the phone during the times I could'nt get hold of you. Please take comfort knowing she is with the Lord. My prayers are with you and your family.
Monday April 30, 2012
Condolence From: Marcia and John Comer
Condolence: Oh my, what a huge loss to her family and to our community and way too soon. I felt, when I met Becky, that I had made a new very good friend. She cared for all of us with such compassion and helped us through the loss of our dear pets. What a gift she had. I am so very sorry for her family. She had such life in her spirit and such a great smile! I am so grateful for having had the privilege of knowing her and am grateful for her kind and caring dedication to us and our beloved pets. We will never forget her.
Monday April 30, 2012
Condolence From: Leslie Kelly
Condolence: I am so sad to learn of Dr.Moody's passing. She was so very kind when I lost my kitty Pounce and helped me grieve for my beloved kitty. I had no idea that she was ill and had missed her since she left Dr. Parent's office in Freeland. I am sure Pounce was there to greet her in Heaven as were all the other animals she so lovingly cared for while she was on earth with us. Until we meet again...Peace be with her family.
Sunday April 29, 2012
Condolence From: Beverly Babson LTCOL,Ret.
Condolence: I am shocked to learn of Moody's death.She was a wonderful and compasionate human being and vet. She cared for as well as euphanizing several of my pets when the time came and did so in a very kind and caring manner. My condolences to her family. Her passing really saddenes me.
Saturday April 28, 2012
Condolence From: Sandra & Rod Taylor and Ben Rothschild
Condolence: Dear Dr. Moody, Family and Friends: It was a pleasure to have been touched by such a wonderful and caring person and veterinarian. She shared her childhood memories of the red heeler that her parents had gotten for her and her life-long love for the breed. She made my dogs feel welcomed and calm under her capable care. Her quiet smile enthused the human depending on her knowledge with confidence. She will be missed by all those who knew and loved her.
Saturday April 28, 2012
Condolence From: Marilynn Norby
Condolence: I always loved when we got an appointment with Dr. Moody. She always fussed over our 3 cats and talked so sweetly to them. She never hurried us along but listened carefully and patiently. I was crushed to read about her passing in today's paper and kept saying "that isn't OUR Dr. Moody, is it?" I'm so sorry for her family's loss and for all of us who loved her kindness. She was a sweet spirit passing away much too soon.
Saturday April 28, 2012
Condolence From: Barbara Phelps
Condolence: I had several interactions with Becky when I took my animals to the Freeland clinic and I always was pleased with her presence and her personality. She was a very kind and decent person and a great Vet. She will be missed by many with paws and feet. My thoughts are with you- her family thru this tough time. So sorry for your loss.
Friday April 27, 2012
Condolence From: Jamie Whitaker
Condolence: A lovely woman who always was so kind and sweet to my scaredy cat when I had to take her to the vets. And she was so easy to talk with and listened to my concerns and addressed them. My condolences to her family of humans and animals.
Friday April 27, 2012
Condolence From: Kellen & Mike Diamanti
Condolence: The two of you touched our lives briefly during our dog's fatal illness. Becky diagnosed her, delivered the sad news, and then stood there with her hand on my (Kellen's) shoulder while I cried. Unlike people doctors, she unreservedly expressed her sadness and understanding at our upcoming loss. Same with you, Robert, when you came a few months later to end our dog's suffering. We have told the story about the two uncommonly kind veterinarians many times. We are profoundly saddened by Becky's suffering and tragically youthful passing. Please accept our heartfelt condolences for your loss.
Friday April 27, 2012
Condolence From: Bob & Terri Jacobi
Condolence: Rebecca was so kind and caring. She will be missed by all. We are so sorry to hear about her passing. All of us, including our four legged friends will miss her gentle touch and expert care. If you need anything please do not hesitate to call on us.
Friday April 27, 2012
Condolence From: Ryan, Ritchie, and Kelsie Fitzpatrick
Condolence: Dr Moody our prayers are with you and please if you need anything we can help you with dont hesitate to call. Becky will be missed by all of us she was the light of your life her memorial was beautiful and the music was straight from your heart. Please doc if u need to just sit and do nothing please come by we love your stories and your company. God bless you
Friday April 27, 2012
Condolence From: Carrie, Shant and Amara
Condolence: Our hearts and prayers go out to you, Robert and your family. Becky was so kind and so amazing when we put our beloved Meeko down...she helped us make the hard decision and then made it so humane and helped comfort us through our grief. She was gracious, amazingly kind to both humans and animals, and always knew the right words and how to comfort both beloved pets and their humsns. Her loss will be felt by so many thoughout the Whidbey community. I am sure she is in a place with no pain and no sorrow and surrounded by the many critters and families she has helped along the way. Robert--we are keeping you close to heart. Carrie and Shant and Amara (McLachlan-Garibyan)
Friday April 27, 2012
Condolence From: Salina Hernandez
Condolence: My condolences go out to the family, I'm sorry for your loss. Becky was a very sweet lady and she will be missed dearly. I didn't know her very well only from when I met her at OHSBC but with in that time I remember her talking to my son and I she was always happy to see him. :]
Thursday April 26, 2012
Condolence From: Jerry, Lilia and Cassandra Pfannenstiel
Condolence: We looked forward to seeing you at 4H Spring Show and at Fair. Vet checks won't be the same without you. You will always be in our hearts and thoughts. We send our condolences and prayers to your family.
Thursday April 26, 2012
Condolence From: Peggy Leisher
Condolence: I worked closely with Becky for over three years. We shared a lot over that time and really enjoyed our Fridays! She went out of her way to help us out with Olive, our very special little dog, in emergency situations...even came over to our home when I was too upset to think straight. Becky took care of our animals when we were able to get away for a few days, again even taking blind and deaf Olive to her own home so she could keep her safe and treat her eyes throughout the was like summer camp for Olive :) I could always count on Becky. May she rest in peace now and may you all enjoy your memories. So sorry for your loss.
Wednesday April 25, 2012
Condolence From: Robert Holt
Condolence: Though I did not know Becky personally, the loss of a veterinary colleague is difficult. My prayers and best wishes are with her husband and the rest of her family at this tragic time.
Wednesday April 25, 2012
Condolence From: Lanette Hayworth & family
Condolence: A angel spread her soft wings and returned from whence she came. Upon us she left her imprint of kindness, gentle spirit and beautiful smile. Becky will be missed but never forgotten by those who were fortunate enough to have her touch their lives. Our hearts and prayers are with you and your family Robert. Trust in your faith.....Becky is at peace with the Lord.
Wednesday April 25, 2012
Condolence From: Terri Arnold
Condolence: Dr.Moody - We thank you for the loving care and attention you gave us at Useless Bay Animal Clinic. May peace be with you... Love, Nikki, Pepper, Ginger, Arlo and Titus!
Wednesday April 25, 2012
Condolence From: Nancy C. McNally
Condolence: Dr. Moody was a wonderful human. She helped us through Maddy and OSHA's death and countless other four legged deaths. For this I am grateful. In addition to being kind and gentle she was the best vet ever!! Thank you Dr. Moody you are loved. RIP I am so sorry for your loss Dr. R. Moody our big animal vet.
Wednesday April 25, 2012
Condolence From: Carol and Mike Coleman
Condolence: We were so very sorry to read of your loss. It brings such sadness to our hearts to know that you have lost such an integral person in your lives. It is always so hard to lose a child, no matter what the age.
Wednesday April 25, 2012
Condolence From: Mary K. Sandford and Eileen M. Jackson
Condolence: Our hearts go out to all the family, loved ones and friends of Becky. We are truly so sorry for your loss. Becky went far beyond what is expected of a good veterinarian. She was truly great, and always showed an exceptional amount of sensitivity to our pets and to us. She was more than our veterinarian; she was our friend. She will be greatly missed. We hope you will find some measure of comfort in knowing how much she meant to so many.
Tuesday April 24, 2012
Condolence From: Vicky & Tom Brown
Condolence: The loss is so poignant and will be felt for so long because her presence was such a gift. Our hearts are with you. Please know we are here with our full support as you struggle through this painful time.
Tuesday April 24, 2012
Condolence From: Washington State Veterinary Medical Association
Condolence: The Washington State Veterinary Medical Association sends our deepest sympathy in the loss of Dr. Moody. Our sincere condolences to the family from the Washington veterinary community.
Tuesday April 24, 2012
Condolence From: Ryan, Ritchie and Kelsie Fitzpatrick
Condolence: "What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly." Rest in Paradise. You will be missed by all, but forgotten by no one. You have touched all our hearts.
Tuesday April 24, 2012
Condolence From: Becky Montanya-Davis
Condolence: Once you have touched a life, you have touched it forever.
Tuesday April 24, 2012