In Memory of








Condolence From: Willis and Dorothy Wurdeman
Condolence: Please accept our sincere condolences upon your mother's death. We had no idea she was in the Navy and was a "Rosie the Riveter!" She was a person of great integrity, funloving and yet so gracious. And could she read--Scripture readings, poetry, anything. She could make a grocery list sound dramatic--and we'd probably pay to hear her! What a blessing she was to all who came in contact with her. It was a privilege to have her as a friend and fellow member of Beautiful Savior.
Monday August 09, 2010
Condolence From: Ramon Diaz
Condolence: I had the pleasure and privilege to know PHYLISS PUMP as one her son’s in law. Mommy Pump, as I respectfully referred to her, was a complete woman. She was of course the lovable white hair and God loving lady that we all remember. However she was also a lot more. As we all know Mommy Pump was a riveter on the B-17, was also in the Navy and made great butter cookies. She was part of that special generation that help built America and that little by little we are loosing. Phyllis’s Pump was also very smart, inquisitive and caring. From the moment I met her she took the time to put me at ease before I met her husband Mr. Jack Pump. She also spent time helping understand that being in love with one of her twin daughters was special and not easy. She very patiently over many conversations taught how twin love is a special bond and that we needed to celebrate and how we shouldn’t feel left out. One of my best memories was five years ago, when she visited us in San Francisco before we embarked in our China adventure. Carol(ina) and I have effectively moved to China to start a new consulting business and the day before we left she flew to San Francisco. This visit was not planned and needless to say created quite a stir for about four hours as the four daughters on a Saturday afternoon where trying to locate Mommy Pump. As she said when I met her at the airport, “sorry Ramon I needed to so see you both in person before you go to China”. This was a great event that help us bring the focus back to what is really important in our lives and that is our family and the love for God. Thank you Mommy Pump for helping us become better persons, for your patience and love and most importantly for being the mother of my beautiful wife Carol Joanne (Carolina).
Saturday July 31, 2010
Condolence From: Donna & Pat Corry - Flora, IL
Condolence: Brian and Sherry, Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to you and your family on the loss of Sherry's Mom. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Donna and Pat
Thursday July 29, 2010
Condolence From: Jenois O'Hara
Condolence: What a beautiful, kind, loving, wonderful woman. She lived such a full life - never letting a moment pass her by. She was "The Queen Twink" - joking, laughing - sometimes at her own expense!! I know these things because I was fortunate enough to have met her, and I love and cherish my friendship with her daughter, Sherry ("Twink"). Sherry is very much like her mother (in SO many ways - hee hee), and I know The Queen will be greatly missed by all who knew and loved her. I also know that she is in a better place - a place of peace and happiness, where she is once again free to laugh - probably still at her own expense every once in a while! Much love to Twink and Bri - you are all in my thoughts during this difficult time. JENOIS
Thursday July 29, 2010
Condolence From: Linda Rodriguez
Condolence: Mary introduced me to you at Christian Faith Center and I remember how sweet you were. Mary was very proud to have you with her. I saw you a few more times and you were always smiling and happy to be with your daughter. I remember this as being so very special seeing as nowadays so many families are not close. I know you are having a great time with God and seeing all friends and family and newcomers in heaven. My prayers are with your family ,especially Mary. Until we meet again. Hugs, Linda
Wednesday July 28, 2010
Condolence From: Kathi Heinritz - Wisconsin
Condolence: My condolences to you all of your girls and the rest of the family too. Dear Phyliss, I am sure you hooked up with many family members already in your new home. Enjoy your new found freedom and peace. Say hi to Al and be sure to look for Don. I asked him to look for you. You two will have a lot to talk about ;-) Much love, Kathi
Wednesday July 28, 2010
Condolence From: Jeff Martin
Condolence: I had the pleasure to meet Phyliss only once or twice but that was enough for her to make a lasting impression. She was one of the nicest people one could meet. Always smiling as I recall. My most sincere condolences to her family and friends.
Tuesday July 27, 2010
Condolence From: Brian Brookheart
Condolence: Sherry's mom, Phyliss went to be with Jesus this morning. "Went to be with Jesus," that is a phrase that we use a lot. But, it was never more true than in Phyliss's case. She was a lifelong member of Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church. Beyond that, she loved her Savior, Jesus. When Sherry and I would ask Phyliss to pray for something for us, we called it, "Calling in the big guns," because Phyliss was a prayer bulldog. She would grab a topic and not stop praying until the answer came. I can not count the times that Phyliss prayed in answers for Sherry and me. Beyond loving Jesus, she was a precious friend to me. She was the perfect Monther-In-Law. I loved her and she loved me. Just for fun, I would call Phyliss once a year and say, "Phyliss, can you give Sherry the stand by yer man speech?" "Put her on...." she would say. So, I would hand Sherry the phone and I would hear Sherry saying, "OK....... OK.......... OK......... I can do that...... Ok..... Ok....." The famous stand by your man speech.... When Sherry graduated from college, the graduation party was in full swing when we noticed that Phyliss was missing. We recounted our steps and realized that we had somehow left her at the college. When we pulled up at the college, there was Phyliss standing in a group of people, making friends. When she saw us, she said, "there's my ride." As she walked away the crowd was saying, Good-bye Phyliss, Good-bye." That was a typical Phyliss day. The same thing happened when she took a train to Illinois. As she got off the train, half the people on the train were waving good-bye to her. Phyliss' most important prayer in her life was that her four daughters would love, serve and follow Jesus. As she passed into eternity, that prayer had been answered. Phyliss is a wonderful person. She lived a wonderful life. She was bright, well read and full of energy. I will miss her. She often sent me homemade cookies in July for my birthday. My birthday is in April. Phyliss was hilarious. And, I will miss her dearly. On the last day that I spent with her, I was left alone with her for a about 30 minutes. When Sherry and Mary returned, Phyliss asked, "Who is this young man?" Sherry said, "Mom, that's my husband, Brian." Phyliss replied, "Well, I like him!" And, I liked her too. I loved her. Phyliss blessed my life. Brian
Tuesday July 27, 2010