In Memory of





Condolence From: Diane Anderson from Minneapolis, Mn.
Condolence: Dear Kathy and Bill I was so sorry to hear about Jon. It has been many years since we have been in contact but you all were not forgotten. Condolences to his wife and son for their loss. Our prayers are with you all. Love Diane, Jennifer, Jeremy and Nathan.
Tuesday March 30, 2010
Condolence From: Craig Bohlmann
Condolence: To the family of Jon Kranig: I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. It sounds like Jon became a great friend to many people. I remember going to school and being friends with Jon when he lived in Piedmont Heights. We used to play football in the back yards after school. I haven't seen him since he moved, but it sounds like I missed a lot. I hope your happy memories will comfort all of you during this sad time.
Monday March 29, 2010
Condolence From: Jessica Pittman
Condolence: Please accept heartfelt condolences as you celebrate Jon's life - a life too short. I knew Jon in High School, he was the nicest person you could know and always had a smile and a hug for everyone. I really enjoyed the memorial and sharing stories yesterday - please know he was loved by many.
Sunday March 28, 2010
Condolence From: The girls at Whidbey's Coffee
Condolence: Jon you are missed! We could always count on your big perfect smile and bright eyes, even if you were having a bad day. You always made our day, thank you for being so kind to us and making us a part of your day. We're going to miss your laugh and your stories! Doreen and Dakota, please know that he loved you, always talking about you, always. Jon was a good man and this community is going to miss him.
Saturday March 27, 2010
Condolence From: Don Peterson
Condolence: To the family of Jon Kranig, My name is don, my brother was your Son/Brothers freind, My family here in California want to send our sincerest Condolences to the family.We are deeply sorry for your loss at this time, , we have you and your family in our Prayers.God Bless Don Peterson/brother to David
Friday March 26, 2010
Condolence From: Uncle John
Condolence: To Doreen, Dakota, Bill, Kathy. It's hard to believe Jon is gone. It sounds like Jon brought joy to a lot of people over the years from some of the testimonies in the condolences I've read. He was like a gentle giant. A mountain of a man. He also had the heart of an angel. Jon was a very caring person, with a heart as big as he was. We were lucky to have him in our family even for this short time. I'm glad Doreen that you guys were able to come out to visit with us those couple of years back. I never would have thought that it would have been the last time we would have seen him. I'm glad I was able to talk to him that time after Christmas when I called. Jon was truly the best , Husband, Dad, and Son anyone could have asked for. Jon will be truly missed by us all. You all have my deepest condolences. All of you are, and will be in my prayers. I Love you All. John
Thursday March 25, 2010
Condolence From: chad kranig
Condolence: Doreen, Dakota, Uncle Bill, Aunt Kathy, I am so very sorry for your loss. You have my deepest sympathy. I was very saddened when Dad called and told me. Jon was a great guy and i will miss him alot. You all in my prayers. Love you guys.
Thursday March 25, 2010
Condolence From: Kristin
Condolence: Doreen, Dakota, Bill & Kathy- No words can offer comfort . I hope you come to a place and time when your memories and love for Jon wash over you like a warm blanket. I am so sorry for your loss and wish I had known him better, other than thru photo's and stories shared of visits and conversations. Much Love, Kristin, Rob & AJ
Wednesday March 24, 2010
Condolence From: Susan Lawrenz
Condolence: Doreen and Dakota: I was so saddened to hear of Jon's passing. He was a dear friend in high school, I have many fond memories of his engaging smile and easy-going nature. My thoughts and prayers go out to you at this very difficult time.
Wednesday March 24, 2010
Condolence From: Jennifer Daniel Davis
Condolence: Doreen, I just wanted to give you my heart felt condolences for you loss. Jon was a truly great man, with a heart of gold. I had recently run into him at the grocery store, and all he talked about was you and Dakota...he was a very proud husband and father. My wish for you is that you and your beautiful son find a peace in this terrible situation. Take care of each other, and lean on your loved ones for support. Jennifer Daniel- Davis
Wednesday March 24, 2010
Condolence From: Brandie Sieffert
Condolence: Hi Doreen although I have never met you I grew up with Jon and David Peterson riding the bus back and forth to school. I graduated in 1990 from OH High School. He will be sadly missed. I remember his bright blue eyes and his smile he was always the joker, which I am sure that never changed. Know you and Dakota are in my prayers and that he is there for you in your time of need just like always. Talk to him he is listening it will help. Please feel free to contact me if you would like. Prayers Brandie Sieffert and family
Wednesday March 24, 2010
Condolence From: Donna(sutherland)Helton & Tim Helton
Condolence: really wish we could have gotten together while we was out there,you will be in our prayers and thoughts. Love your cuz Donna
Tuesday March 23, 2010
Condolence From: Cindy Habina Miley
Condolence: The news of Jon's passing is very sad. Saying I am sorry for his loss will never truly express how I feel. Jon was a great friend and always knew how to make me smile. I will hold the memories I have of him close. My thoughts and prayers are with his family.
Tuesday March 23, 2010
Condolence From: Melanie Fedele Golden
Condolence: I was saddened to hear about Jon's sudden passing. He was a wonderful friend in high school, always smiling. I used to call him Bear :) He will be missed. My sincerest condolences to the family. I am so sorry for your loss.
Tuesday March 23, 2010
Condolence From: David M. Peterson, Debbie M. Peterson
Condolence: Jon. Mountain. My friend. I miss you more than I can express. I remember so vividly that day I met you down on the county dock. I was a little apprehensive approaching you. (You WERE bigger than me). I had heard much about you from your mom. I came up and said "Hey, man. Welcome to Washington. I'm David. Our moms thought we might get along..." Well, the rest is history. Many were the nights we hung out, talking about girls, listening to the Beastie Boys, watching Top Gun. Our goal was to see it 100 times. I am sick of it now, I tell you! Remember the Chicago Bears Superbowl when we watched Jim McMahon tear it up? Shouting encouragements at the tv for Walter Payton!! We watched as Refrigerator Perry scored a rushing TD!! It has always been funny to me how you were a Packers fan and I am a Vikings fan... and YOU were from Minnesota!! It was always my wifes goal to make you laugh. She loved your eyes. They were so blue and she commented on them every time she saw you, it seems. We had some great times through the years, my friend. I am grateful for the time we had together. I will cherish my memories of you, always. I love you, my friend, my brother. You are missed so much already. Rest in Peace. Namaste. Doreen and Dakota. You have become family to us over the years. I cannot imagine the personal loss you are going through. I loved Jon so much, yet you were his family and he loved you both so, so much. It seems like so little to say that we are sorry for your loss. There are no words to fully express our sympathies. Please know that you can call on us for whatever needs arise. We will be there. Blessings and Peace to you both. Love, David and Debbie
Monday November 30, -0001
Condolence From: Larry Henning Westec Industries
Condolence: Doreen and Dakota I was informed today of the passing of a man full of life and love for his family. We have never met but I have been calling on Jon for the past fifteen years. I am so sorry for your loss and know that Jon will always be watching over the two of you. I will miss seeing his big smile and miss those bone crushing hand shakes. Jon always made time to talk and BS with everyone. I will deeply miss this man and my friend. God bless both of you.
Monday November 30, -0001
Condolence From: Rick Erps & Family
Condolence: Doreen, I am so sorry to hear of Jons passing. Jon was a great man with a huge heart. I remember meeting him the summer of 1987 down at the boat dock. We hit it off and shared many memories that summer, which I will hold close to my heart forever. My family and I send our condolences as well as many prayers for you and your son Dakota. I could only imagine how great of a father and husband John was, and will continue to be in spirit. Again, our condolences to you and yours. I will miss you buddy, God Bless. Rick Erps
Monday November 30, -0001