In Memory of





Condolence From: TJ & Pat Lamont & Pat Ricketts
Condolence: Dear Cobi and family, Everyone at Whidbey General is so sorry for your loss. George was such a wonderful man and we will all miss him. He worked hard but was always quick to stop and spend some time with anyone who needed to talk or wanted a hug. He loved to talk about his trips and his family and was so looking forward to spending more time with you all. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you.
Friday October 17, 2008
Condolence From: Laura Bacon
Condolence: There are women in medical offices up and down Whidbey Island whose hearts are broken today. George had a way of making a bad day at work good and a good day great. Some of us had the pleasure of seeing George twice a day in his travels. We got a dose of George in the morning to get us through the day and a dose of George in the afternoon to make it until we saw him again. He just had a way of making you feel good. I thought the saddest work day I had known was the day George retired. It has been replaced by the day we learned of his passing. Thank you for everything George. You will be truly missed. Laura (WIIM, Whidbey Derm, Whidbey Ortho, Langley Clinic, SWCC)
Thursday October 09, 2008
Condolence From: Barbara (Tesch) Veliz
Condolence: Dear Dwight and Barry, Please know that I am thinking of you and your families and praying you are comforted. My dad says he thinks he's the only one left (except for us 'young' ones)...God bless you! Barb
Wednesday October 08, 2008
Condolence From: Walter & Joyce Nelson
Condolence: George was a very special and loving guy. His smile and hugs will be missed. He brightened everyone's day. We will be contributing to the Whidbey Island Hospital Foudation, Tree of Life in his memory.
Tuesday October 07, 2008
Condolence From: The Surgical Center Crew
Condolence: To the Friends and Family of George~ We all here are at a great loss to hear the passing of George!! Such a wonderful person and friend. We all find it an honor to have known him so well, and work with him through-out the years. You will be greatly missed George!! With all due respect George, may you rest in peace my good friend. Dr. Zaveruha, Dr. Koo, Billie, and Gina. (As known as the Trouble gang!! :)
Monday October 06, 2008
Condolence From: The Schuttes
Condolence: So Sorry for your loss, our prayers are with you. We know how it hurts to lose a family member, and one so smiley like George. It was always a pleasure to see his smile and feels his hugs.
Sunday October 05, 2008
Condolence From: Tim & Marilyn
Condolence: We hope you find comfort in knowing that George is now with Our Lord and is no longer suffering. He now looks down on the family he loved so dearly. George was such a special man, he always had a hug and a smile and always knew how to make a person feel better. When George was around everyone was smiling. George touched so many lives and will be missed by all who knew him. George rest in peace with God.
Sunday October 05, 2008
Condolence From: Pat Wallace
Condolence: My deepest sympathies to all of you. In 1992 I worked at George's last stop of the day as shuttle driver for Whidbey General Hospital, he almost always had Coby with him and we would talk and laugh sometimes for an hour or more, I went on to work with George until he retired, he was a dear sweet man and we all loved him, each of us, of course, thinking we were his best girlfriend, such was his gift with people. I usually got two hugs a day, both from George, he would say, " you look like you need a mammogram" and those were the only mammograms I ever looked forward to, always quick with a laugh, a smile, a hug, or a joke, I never heard him utter a bad word about anybody, he will be sorely missed in this world and a shining star in the next . Rest in peace dear friend until we meet again. Love Pat
Saturday October 04, 2008
Condolence From: Becky McGill
Condolence: My prayers are with all of the Tesch family at this time. It is a hard time... I know. I love you all! George was a good man, wasn't he? He loved his family so much, and like you said, Debbie, God and our families are what counts in this life!
Saturday October 04, 2008