In Memory of







Condolence From: Ruth Nielsen
Condolence: Charlotte and I first met at a life drawing group in Anacortes. We spent many enjoyable mornings there - drawing, talking about art and laughing. Charlotte was a lovely person and I will never forget her kind and generous spirit.
Thursday May 24, 2012
Condolence From: Pat Wallace
Condolence: Charlotte and I met when we worked together at Whidbey General in the late 80's, then again at the Naval Hospital, and again when she was my Diabetic Education Nurse. She was a great nurse and always a pleasure to be around. We resembled each other and I was very flattered when people would mistake me for her, she was the person I aspire to be, I will miss her. My deepest sympathy to her family. God Speed, Charlotte. Love Pat
Friday May 04, 2012
Condolence From: Randy Emmons
Condolence: I will miss Charlotte, a friend and fellow painter. She was always up beat, even when she was fighting the fight. She was always supportive and enjoyed everyone. I enjoyed showing her my work and talking with her. I will always remember her and think my world better for knowing her.
Monday April 30, 2012
Condolence From: Shirley Cline
Condolence: I will never forget Charlotte, and her forgiving soul. She was an inspiration to me. I will miss her. Shirley Cline
Monday April 30, 2012
Condolence From: Marilyn Dobbins
Condolence: I met Charlotte when she joined Oak Harbor Bay Artists several years ago. She had a great talent and a wonderful attitude toward art and life. I found much inspiration from knowing her--in fact, I tried to please her (easy to do) and when I came up with something really whimsical in my art she would laugh and tell me how clever I was. And, Fridays, at art group she was always working on what she called her 'masterpieces'. It was a happy time. She never complained about her health or talked like a victim--she just soldiered on. It has been hard saying goodbye to Charlotte; thank goodness I was privileged to know her and love her.
Monday April 30, 2012
Condolence From: Liz Mahnich
Condolence: I first meet Mrs. Charlotte when my mother was diagnosed with Diabetes. We would go to the support group that was meeting at the senior center in Oak Harbor. In the beginning she helped me better understand as a young child how to better help my mom and adjust our lives. I will never remember her telling my mother and I how impressed she was about such a young child trying to learn so much about things. She was an amazing women. This was over 20 years ago and I still remember her sweet sweet smile.
Monday April 30, 2012
Condolence From: Jeanne Valdez
Condolence: Charlotte was a ray of sunshine at the Gallery. She made you feel as if you were the most important person in the room when you walked in. Charlotte always wore a smile, always had a kind word and was always enthusiastic about life, family and her art. She made you laugh with her funny stories and jokes and she made you think how lucky you were to be here. She gave me inspiration when I needed it most and gave me hope when I thought there was none. Her philosophy "we have no expiration date" became our motto together. I shall never forget sweet Charlotte. She will be sorely missed.
Monday April 30, 2012
Condolence From: Kay Wagner
Condolence: Charlotte left behind a brother Dan Stehle in Missouri, a sister Beckie Polburn in Ashland, Ohio, and myself Kay in south carolina. There are several nieces and nephews, and great nieces and nephews who will also miss her so much. She was loved by everyone in our family and was so kind and generous to everyone. She had a wonderful sense of humor and was so fun to be around on her many visits to Ohio and South Carolina.We all love you so much and will never forget you. So many paintings in our homes will be your legacy.
Monday April 30, 2012
Condolence From: Carolyn Bischoff
Condolence: I first met Charlotte when I joined the artists at The Blue Heron Gallery. It came to light that we shared not only our interest in art, but we also shared a diagnosis - M.S. It was a blessing to talk to someone who was experiencing some of the things I was. We agreed that the best antidote was a sense of humor. Charlotte was a lovely person - always with a kind and encouraging word. She sincerely cared about others and it was sincerely appreciated. I will miss her very much.
Sunday April 29, 2012