In Memory of






Condolence From: Michael Canfield
Condolence: I had the priveledge of knowing Chuck from the time I arrived in Coupeville in 1990 until Stella and I moved to Bulgaria in 2006.His warmth, great smile and never ending optimism as well as his interest in seemingly everthing around him was an inspiration to all of us. My "Buddy" Valerie and I spent many happy hours "messing around in boats" fishing, crabbing, sailing and generally causing Chuck a few more smiles at our antics.During the time that I was a Port Commisioner Chuck was a frequent visitor to our meetings especially when the topic of the Greenbank Farm came under discussion. His passion for the preservation of the beauty of Whidbey Island and paticularly of farming often gave us a positive insight and help in our decision processes.His influence and presence will be greatly missed by those of us who admired him so much.I trust his meeting with Val, his greatest supporter, will bring him much solace. Stella and I ofer our sincere condolences to all his family.
Thursday August 12, 2010
Condolence From: Karen Lewis
Condolence: My husband, E. A. Lewis and I moved to Zylstra Road in 1973. We met Chuck and Vi shortly there after. What a joy to have them as neighbors. For years Chuck would walk along Zylstra and always stop to talk. He lent us the wheat trucks when we took the roof off of our home during remodeling. I remember Vi with great fondness. I sang to her during her battle with cancer. We also knew Connie and could not have asked for better neighbors. When my husband died, Chuck was there with his strong arms around me and my family. I appreciated him so. Our loss is heaven's gain. Karen Lewis
Wednesday August 11, 2010
Condolence From: norma jefferson
Condolence: The Arnold family is one of the most kindest and sweet families i have ever had the pleasure to know...Chuck and Connie were nothing but kind to me when i worked for them...this island will truly be missing a great man...farewell sweet man and be with your family now...Val has been waiting
Wednesday August 11, 2010